Sunday, January 4, 2009

Baby Chicks Growing

As the chicks grew it became obvious that they very healthy and probably going to survive. I was going to have more chickens than I planned on. Then a twist of fate: at about two or three months of age a hawk swooped down, caught killed, and ate (while sitting on the pen fence) one of my Australorps. The dog chased one of the Buff Orpingtons to death. (He did not intend to kill it; he just thought it was fun to chase.)

Then for no reason, a jersey giant went to bed healthy, and was dead by morning.

My Crested Polish, one of my Silver laced Wyanottes, one of my Americaunas and the surviving Australorp started crowing. If it crows it goes, with the exception of the Crested Polish. I had secretly hoped that it would turn out to be a male. I liked the idea of having one rooster. Before I could find a new home for them the Wyanotte rooster plucked every white feather off the head off the Polish. (poor guy was as bald as could be.)

This eliminated 6 of my chicks. I was down to a manageable 14.

There personalities and adult colours were becoming more evident so I began naming them. I decided to name them according to their breed, with the exception of the little Bantee and the Americauna. The former Brennan named Frizzee (due to the feathers all over her legs and feet and I mean feathers not the fluffy stuff, feathers just like the wings feather.) The later I named Cinnamon due to her colouring. The Crested Polish became Crazy Pat (also a fitting name because of the wild feathers atop his head.) The Delawares became Daisy and Dot. The Jersey Giant; Jane, the Barred Rocks; Babs and Betty, the Rhode Island Reds; Ruby and Red, the Buff Orpington, Buffy; the Silver laced Wyanotte became Wanda, and the 2 White Leghorns became Lady and Luna. Looking at them a person might wonder how I can tell them apart. Sometimes it not easy, but if I take a moment it is obvious. It is something like telling twins apart. There are always little things that aid in the identification. Owen named the Geese Jay Jay and Trouble. I later changed Trouble to Peaches. I feel that negative names become self-fulfilling and decided Peaches would work better.

Soon thereafter I was getting 7-10 chicken eggs a day!
Peaches was laying every other day.

I had attained my goal: a flock of healthy, happy chickens and farm fresh eggs!

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